Automatisierte externe Defibrillator-Verwaltungsplattform (AED). 

For manufacturers, for distributors, for heart foundations and national registries.

Your devices, at a glance

From Manufacturer to Humankind

The CardiLink IoT platform allows manufacturers to fully manage medical device status, service, and maintenance and training schedules. This includes IoT E-restocking of AEDs, providing first responders with immediate coordinates, emergency and location alerts, and fleet management via software tracking of servicing and training.

Additionally, the proprietary software platform developed by CardiLink is extended to democratise health services by connecting manufacturers and end users to share data to identify problems and co-develop solutions. 

As a manufacturer, our  platform provides you with a knowledge network that will not only help improve your product, save costs, and keep you on the cutting edge of health and safety device development, but also allow you to participate in driving innovation forward to the benefit of human beings.

As a human being, ​our platform enables you to potentially save future lives by sharing your experiences with health and safety devices, whatever they are and wherever you may be.

The positive, democratic convergence of supplier and end user can make the difference between life and death. Make that difference with CardiLink.

The positive, democratic convergence of supplier and end user can make the difference between life and death. Make that difference with CardiLink.

The integrated cloud and machine-learning platform simplifies AED fleet management through alerts and notifications, ensuring that the medically critical device is always ready for use in an emergency

Start your CardiLink journey

With CardiLink, AEDs and other safety, health and medical devices leave no life behind. Learn More 

CardiLink is a customer-individualised and license-based Software as a Service (SaaS) product. If you want to learn more or register a device, please contact us and our team will be happy to evaluate your case.