Automatisierte externe Defibrillator-Verwaltungsplattform (AED). 

For manufacturers, for distributors, for heart foundations and national registries.


We make sure AEDs work when needed

CardiLink ensures AED (Automated External Defibrillator) uptime and seamless functionality via IoT technology.  

CardiLink: The Link from Manufacturer to Humankind

Always ready
Checks & documents device status

Uptime Guarantee
Enables proactive servicing & SLA

Emergency Notifications
Sends  notifcation when moved or opened

Fleet Management
Connects all devices via API integration

Theft Protection
Tracks movement via GPS Geofence

Business Development
Empowers your service-driven business

Always ready
Checks & documents device status

CardiLink provides global solutions to local challenges. On our proven multi-brand, multi-vendor platform, individuals at risk, the public at large, and health and safety device providers, are all equal tenants – and equal beneficiaries.  

Our fleet management capabilities connect the sometimes-discordant technologies deployed by health and safety device manufacturers on one networked platform - mitigating complications arising from local device deployments.  

This saves time, reduces the cost of services, and saves expenses on installation and maintenance, enabling manufacturers to retain a higher share of profits and redeploy additional funds into R&D.

CardiLink provides global solutions to local challenges. On our proven multi-brand, multi-vendor platform, individuals at risk, the public at large, and health and safety device providers, are all equal tenants – and equal beneficiaries.  

Between 30% and 40% of installed AEDs are either dysfunctional or not optimally localised – with often catastrophic results for victims of ​sudden cardiac arrest and their families

Analogue methods of device surveillance shown to be unreliable, combined with the stipulations of the new EU Medical Device Regulations (MDRs), means now is the time for AEDs and other health and safety devices to migrate to 100% online verification and the possibilities afforded by IoT surveillance 

Between 30% and 40% of installed AEDs are either dysfunctional or not optimally localised – with often catastrophic results for victims of ​sudden cardiac arrest and their families

Analogue methods of device surveillance shown to be unreliable, combined with the stipulations of the new EU Medical Device Regulations (MDRs), means now is the time for AEDs and other health and safety devices to migrate to 100% online verification and the possibilities afforded by IoT surveillance 

Instead of depending on the often unsystematic medical device maintenance performed by human beings, CardiLink offers the opportunity of continuous, 24/7 reconnaissance and data validation of all a manufacturer’s devices simultaneously, decreasing maintenance costs and increasing the chances of survival for human beings. 

Why CardiLink, and why now? Because we offer the technology and the platform that could have saved lives yesterday – and which can help build your health and safety device business tomorrow.  

Start your CardiLink journey

CardiLink is a customer-individualised and license-based Software as a Service (SaaS) product. Please contact us and our team will be happy to evaluate your case.